The right to play
Three weeks ago, we were at UNICEF. It was a day after Open had trialled working from home. It seems like a year ago. We talked about whether schools would close and whether there would be a lockdown. What would this mean for children?
We talked about what life would be like in ‘lockdown’ Britain and what UNICEF could do to help children and their families.
Over the next couple of days our teams talked and came up with some great ideas. Many of them were linked to offering free screen content, because that is what we thought would be needed…
At this time a very good decision was made.
Wait. Don’t react. Respond.
Then the UK went into lockdown and life changed for us all.
Attention turned to our families, neighbours and friends. Those close to us who need our care and support, those who we have never met ‘locked in’ – frightened and alone, and those who are putting their lives at risk everyday keeping the NHS, emergency services and our infrastructure going.
At Open we got busy developing emergency appeals for charities and the NHS whose frontline services were struggling to keep up with demand, and UNICEF moved swiftly into their rapid response protocols.
Meanwhile a very small team of UNICEF and Open staff continued to think about an offer for young children and their families. UNICEF sent out a short survey asking parents about their first few daysof lockdown.
And this is what they told us.
“We don’t need more screen content. We certainly don’t need more educational resources and activities. We don’t all have screens; we don’t all have bandwidth that can handle everyone online. We need ideas that kids can do away from screens, that are fun and quick to organise. That gives them time to relax and play and us time to get on with life and work.”
And UNICEF responded.
“Don’t worry, this is on us. Every day, all round the world we help children in crisis, often without screens or internet. This is what we do. We make sure that children have the space, the resources, and the right to play. We have great activities that we will send to you. We are here for children in crisis”.
Over the last few days that team has turned this insight into an idea. Stay and play.
Yesterday they were joined by friends at The Kite Factory to do a very rapid sprint that brought that idea to life. And today it goes live.
Not bad for a couple of weeks in lockdown…