Live Q&A: Your guide to digital diversification
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Following recent Meta updates, charities are interested in digital diversification to minimise over-reliance on the platform. In this Q&A, will explain how to do it.
In January 2025, we developed a guide explaining the impact on charities of Meta's category updates and what to do about it.
One of our recommendations for fundraisers, alongside exploring other acquisition methods and innovating within Meta, is to expand onto other digital channels - and with good reason.
In our recent winter appeal analysis, it was clear that those who tested a new channel mix were more likely to hit target overall than those who did not.
So, how do you diversify onto other digital channels?
We've developed a new guide to explain more and are hosted a live Q&A on March 18th to share step-by-step how to do it.
Register for your recording today to discover:
- what is digital diversification
- where to test new channels
- our step-by-step process to approaching digital diversification
Registration is free and a copy of the guide is here.